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Planning Board Minutes 2007/01/30
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
January 30, 2007

Board Members & Staff:  Present:   Freda Swan, Chair; John Billings, Member; Dick Jones, Selectboard Representative; Simon Carr, Alternate  Absent:  Jack Elliott, Vice-Chair; Stephanie Clark, Alternate; Ben Kilham, Alternate; Dan Brand, Member; Don Dwight, Alternate and Victoria Davis, Planning & Zoning Administrator
Public:         David Roby; Vi Wilmott; Wayne Wilmott; Ross McIntyre

The meeting started at 7:30 pm. Freda Swan appointed Simon Carr to sit in place of Dan Brand.

Item 1: Public Hearing for Zoning Ordinance Amendment:  Freda Swan called the public hearing to order at 7:30 pm.

This meeting was due to the substantial change to the amendment #2 redefining “lot” that had been agreed at the previous public hearing of January 11.  It was explained that this amendment would not have any impact on previously merged lots, but would stop lots automatically merging in future.  It was hoped that the board would be able to address the issue of dividing previously merged lots in the future and bring an amendment to next year’s town meeting.  The Wilmotts expressed concern about the merging of their properties.

There being no further discussion on the wording of the amendment, Dick Jones made a motion to take the amendment to town meeting. Simon Carr seconded the motion and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2: Approval of Minutes:  Dick Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of January 25th.  Simon Carr seconded the motion.  John Billings abstained from voting and the remainder voted in favor of the motion.

Item 3: Re-appointment of Member to the Zoning Board of Adjustment:  George Hartmann had indicated his willingness to continue serving on the ZBA.  Dick Jones made a motion to appoint George Hartmann to a further term. Simon Carr seconded the motion and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 4: Capital Improvements Plan: Dick Jones made a motion to seek authorization at town meeting for the planning board to prepare and amend a capital improvements plan.  Simon Carr seconded the motion and unanimous agreement followed.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Submitted by,
Simon Carr